In a series of Tweets Saturday night, U.S. President Donald Trump said he was canceling plans to hold the next G-7 summit at a golf resort he owns in Miami, Florida.

Earlier this week the president had confirmed plans to hold the summit at the Trump National Doral.

Accused of using the presidency to enrich himself, it was a rare backtrack on Twitter Saturday night.

He blamed the media and Democrats for opposing the Doral site.

Trump tweeted “I thought I was doing something very good for our Country by using Trump National Doral, in Miami, for hosting the G-7 Leaders. It is big, grand, on hundreds of acres, next to MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT, has tremendous ballrooms & meeting rooms, and each delegation would have its own 50 to 70 unit building. Would set up better than other alternatives. I announced that I would be willing to do it at NO PROFIT or, if legally permissible, at ZERO COST to the USA. But, as usual, the Hostile Media & their Democrat Partners went CRAZY!”

Some members of Trumps own party had also criticized the plan.

Trump tweeted that other U.S. sites for the 2020 summit will be considered, possibly including Camp David, the presidential retreat in Maryland.